Just ignore the title, stories that will be told here is obviously far-far-away from word Humble.
Selasa, 31 Mei 2011
Kamis, 26 Mei 2011
Goodnight moon
One of my most played song. Cool! If you haven't hear this song, you should immediately listen to it!
Goodnight Moon
by Go radio
Don't go to bed yet, love
I think it's too early
and we just need a little time to ourselves
If my wall clock tells me that it's 4 in the morning, I'll give it hell
Cause I've been trying way too long to try and be the perfect song
When our hearts are heavy burdens
We shouldn't have to bare alone
So goodnight moon and goodnight you
When you're all that I think about
All that I dream about
How'd I ever breathe without, a goodnight kiss from goodnight you
The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feeling we sing about
Sit in our bedroom and read aloud, like a passage from 'Goodnight Moon'
And sing for me softly love,
Your song for tomorrow
And tell me my name's the one that's hidden in there somewhere
And dream for me anything
but dream it in color about
We know the sun's still rising and we don't care
Cause I've been trying way too long to try and be the perfect song
When our hearts are heavy burdens
We shouldn't have to bare alone
So goodnight you and goodnight moon
When you're all that I think about
All that I dream about
How'd I ever breathe without, a goodnight kiss from goodnight you
The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feelings we sing about
Sit in our bedrooms and read aloud, like a passage from 'Goodnight Moon'
From 'Goodnight Moon'
And there you were, as I saw my Juliet
Come graceful down the stairs
It's hard to miss the way her eyes light up the room
And steal the air
Just feel her lips lock on to every breath I take
And breathe it in
Do you feel us falling?
Cause I feel us falling
So goodnight moon and goodnight you
When you're all that I think about
All that I dream about
How'd I ever breathe without, a goodnight kiss from goodnight you
The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feeling we sing about
Sit in our bedroom and read out loud, like a passage from 'Goodnight Moon'
Oh goodnight moon
And there you were,I saw my Juliet
Come graceful down the stairs
It's hard to miss the way her eyes light up the room
And steal the air
Goodnight Moon
by Go radio
Don't go to bed yet, love
I think it's too early
and we just need a little time to ourselves
If my wall clock tells me that it's 4 in the morning, I'll give it hell
Cause I've been trying way too long to try and be the perfect song
When our hearts are heavy burdens
We shouldn't have to bare alone
So goodnight moon and goodnight you
When you're all that I think about
All that I dream about
How'd I ever breathe without, a goodnight kiss from goodnight you
The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feeling we sing about
Sit in our bedroom and read aloud, like a passage from 'Goodnight Moon'
And sing for me softly love,
Your song for tomorrow
And tell me my name's the one that's hidden in there somewhere
And dream for me anything
but dream it in color about
We know the sun's still rising and we don't care
Cause I've been trying way too long to try and be the perfect song
When our hearts are heavy burdens
We shouldn't have to bare alone
So goodnight you and goodnight moon
When you're all that I think about
All that I dream about
How'd I ever breathe without, a goodnight kiss from goodnight you
The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feelings we sing about
Sit in our bedrooms and read aloud, like a passage from 'Goodnight Moon'
From 'Goodnight Moon'
And there you were, as I saw my Juliet
Come graceful down the stairs
It's hard to miss the way her eyes light up the room
And steal the air
Just feel her lips lock on to every breath I take
And breathe it in
Do you feel us falling?
Cause I feel us falling
So goodnight moon and goodnight you
When you're all that I think about
All that I dream about
How'd I ever breathe without, a goodnight kiss from goodnight you
The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feeling we sing about
Sit in our bedroom and read out loud, like a passage from 'Goodnight Moon'
Oh goodnight moon
And there you were,I saw my Juliet
Come graceful down the stairs
It's hard to miss the way her eyes light up the room
And steal the air
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011
Secarik foto yang hilang entahberantahhilangdimanagataujuga
Jadi......... Padahal kan sebenernya aku nyetak foto buat dinding itu sebanyak 32 lembar. Gatau kenapa pas sampe rumah di hitung cuma 31 lembar. Speechless dong ya, tambah shock lagi pas tau yang hilang itu fotonya.........................................emmmm kasih tau ga ya... fotonya...............................................................tom felton ._. how silly i am for thinking to print out his photo :Dv
Pas aku mikir-mikir sih ya.... ada kemungkina jatoh di jalan,atau ada satu lagi yang agak sedikit mencurigakan. Apa mungkin si Mas-Mas yang nyetak fotonya yang ngambil foto si Tom? Soalnya pas bilang ke aku, "Ini fotonya 32" Oh yaudah aja aku kira pasti lengkap. Jangan-jangan.... si Masnya ternyata ngefans sama Tom Felton jadi sama dia di ambil :O OMG OMG kenapa ga foto aku coba ya (?) hahahahahah skip.
Pas aku mikir-mikir sih ya.... ada kemungkina jatoh di jalan,atau ada satu lagi yang agak sedikit mencurigakan. Apa mungkin si Mas-Mas yang nyetak fotonya yang ngambil foto si Tom? Soalnya pas bilang ke aku, "Ini fotonya 32" Oh yaudah aja aku kira pasti lengkap. Jangan-jangan.... si Masnya ternyata ngefans sama Tom Felton jadi sama dia di ambil :O OMG OMG kenapa ga foto aku coba ya (?) hahahahahah skip.
Something new in my room! Part II
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaay fi-fi-fi-finally tadi beres juga nyetak foto. Dengan perjuangan yang cukup melelahkan, jalan kaki ke fujifilm yang deket tukang sate madura (?) ditemani cuaca kota banjarmasin yang panas wuirrrr mantap. Dan dengan sebegitu penantian di fujifilm nya akhirnya beres lah di cetak foto-fotonya.
Well ini lah hasil akhir dinding kamar lebih tepatnya di samping meja belajar aku:
Thanks for reading! :)
Well ini lah hasil akhir dinding kamar lebih tepatnya di samping meja belajar aku:
Selasa, 24 Mei 2011
Something new in my room!
Tenang tenang.. aku ga akan ngebahas Thommas Andrew Felton lagi kok ;)
Sekarang tentang kamar aku hahahaha. Ceritanya mau pamer dikit (?) My greeny warm room now a bit different. Just a bitttttt. It's on the wall beside my desk. I put some photos on it. Lovely <3 Sebenernya itu masih kurang banget fotonya. Dan rencananya mau secepatnya nyetak foto-foto lagi. Sebenernya... (mulai curhat) banyak sih foto-foto yang udah ngantri minta di cetak. Satu roll film lagi ada nunggu mau di cuci + cetak, tapi rupiah nya kan terbatas..... Yaaaaaa jadinya dicicil dulu deh dikit-dikit :D Pengennya pengen dipenuhin satu dinding itu penuh hahahaha atau minimal di ratain ke bawahnya dulu sih hehehe atau bagusan di ratain ke samping nya dulu? Gimana gimana? haha
Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011
I can't hold it anymore, i am going to explode!
TOP-LESS :O AAAAAAAAAA Why are you so bloody hot tom? Wait till my father hear about this :)) First of all, sorry Tom for involve you in my silly filthy blog hahaha. Well i am honestly going to sign out from blogger.com but then when i saw those hot sexy pictures i can't hold it anymore to post it on my blog aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Tom Felton, is it possible a 16 years old liking a man age 23years? -_- SKIP And why are you so far away in London :'( London oh London. Come here and visit me in Banjarmasin (bloody hell where is this place actually exist, he said hahahaha) Once you come here, i'll treat you to eat some pentol and soto banjar! That's delicious, much delicious then cheesy-cheesy meals in your country. AND i can make sure you can also make your white skin becoming hot like sun once you visit me here!
Well, i lived at pegadaian street no 1 Tom! Hmmmm it takes 20-30 minutes from the airport :-)
------------------------------------------------SKIP SKIP SKIP What the hell am i writing of? it's mess up hahahaha. I LOVE YOU TOM FELTON!!!!! Oh once more... I am looking forward too see you in another movie Tom! I miss you, indeed. LOL
How to improve your english
AHAHAHA kaya yang udah bener aja english aku. It's ok, practice makes better, isn't it?
Well if there are some easy way to improve english, i'll extremely suggest you to:
1. Be often in listening some english songs, close your eyes then trying to get the lyric. If you just give up in finding the lyric by only listening you can search for the lyric then memories it and sing it often :D But you should note, that sometimes some lyric aren't really grammatical hehehe.
2. Watch movie, (with english conversation ofc) then change the subtittles into english. Not only you can studied how to make convrstion in eng, you also can have some listening training You will also know how to pronounce the word well. And sometimes you will also get some new slang words and even some rude words ahahaha. If you find any difficulties in understanding the movie, make sure that you watch the movie with your dictionary, so you can ask for the meaning. I believe by watching movie, english will be fun for being studied! ;)
3. Trying to write anything in english. And don't be lazy to read anything written in english.
This is a feeling that i feel flying like a G6 ahahaha that's too much. Sort of, i am glad that there are some but not too many who read my silly post. At least what i wrote isn't ended for nothing *wink*
Kamis, 19 Mei 2011
Mati lampu
Kenapa ya di Banjar masti lampu terus? Ngeganggu banget tau ga sih pak, bu? Padahal kan ya kalo dipikir-pikir. Kalimantan itu paling kaya sama hasil tambang nya. Ya berarti sumber daya alam nya bagus kan.. Bayangin.. (ceileh) dari seminggu pasti ada aja mati lampunya. Kalo lagi sial bisa 3 kali seminggu tiap malem dan tidak sebentar. LAMA! Terus... tau kan Banjar itu panas? Kebayang kan rasanya? Mana deket rumah aku diesel lagi. Berisik banget ya! Parahnya, gatau kenapa PLN yang jahat atau gimana (hehe) mati lampu lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget malah kejadian pas anak SD lagi UAS. Parah ga? Yang tadinya aku nyalain lilin panjang banget jadi tinggal 1/3 nya lagi. SEBEL. Ada deh 5-6 jam-an! Lama banget ya Allah.... Beneran deh ini nih yang bikin ga betah ga betah ga betah tinggal di Banjarmasin. Dan yang bikin badmood badmood badmood se badmood-badmoodnya. Padahalhari ini aku mau nonton harpot yang half blood prince. AAAAAAAA aku pengen liat draco. Eh!!!!!! Tapi gara-gara mati lampu jadi gagal. Pret~~
Dulu pas di Bandung namanya mati lampu jarang banget :'( ada aja sih tapi jaraaaaaaaaaaaang banget dan sebentar aja.
Ya Allah kuatkan hambamu. Semoga listriknya cepet nyala lagi :'( Amin
Kamis, 12 Mei 2011
Mario Maurer aaaaaaaaaa <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Percuma sih ganteng kalo bukan siapa-siapa kita. Jleb. Dalem.
Mario Maurer aaaaaaaaaa <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Percuma sih ganteng kalo bukan siapa-siapa kita. Jleb. Dalem.
A little crazy thing called love
Dan barusan banget aku baru aja beres nonton film Thailand ini. A little crazy thing called love aka first love. Dan homagash Mario Maurernya Subhanallah ganteng banget :') banget banget banget!
FIlm nya nyeritain tentang seorang anak cewe, jelek, dan dia suka sama kakak kelasnya ya itu si Mario Maurer, alias Kak Shone. Ya inti dan akhir ceritanya sih si Namnya yang tadi nya ga good looking berubah jadi cewe cantikkkkk banget demi Kak Shone. Dan happy ending...
Aku nangis nontonnya. Sumpah.
Bukan cuma karena terharu sih, tapi aku lebih ke sirik. Aku juga pengen kaya Nam, yang punya kecengan dan akhirnya dia bisa jadian dengan kecengannya itu dan luckily, Shone loves Nam just the way she is! JUST THE WAY SHE IS. Whether she's ugly, Shone keep waiting for her :') kurang so sweet apalagi ya...
TAPIIIII. apakah itu beneran ada di kejadian nyata?????!!! Cowo ganteng, baik hati dan di sukai banyak cewe bisa memilih seorang cewe cupu dan jelek dan hitam (tapi untung Nam kurus, dan aku? the opposite one. F*t) buat jadi orang yang dia rela tungguin? HAH kayanya hampir gaada ya. Hmmmm perbandingannya 1:2345678909876543456789876543456789987654323 mungkin ya.
And back to my Mr. yap my crush :''). Even you are not as handsome as incredible as Mario Maurer, but you attract me so strong that i can't push it away.. here deep deeply inside my heart. Maybe it sounds ridiculous or disgusting but that's the truth, Mr. I want to be Nam, and you were Shone. However it goes, at the end, it's a happy ending.
And Mr,one of the reason why i cried so much after watching this film is because idk why i just suddenly remember you.
And it gets deeper when i realize that you might not like me. And i am afraid that my ending won't be the same at least as happy as Nam and Shone. Maybe my Shone (you, Mr.) is liking another one. And at the end of the 'Nam' (mine) there'd be no happy ending. That... the film just end at the scene where Nam show her true feeling to Shone, but Shone already has another one, exactly like what happen at the swimming pool. Errrr maybe that's the ending of my story, just like that :'')
So Mr. This is my second post that related to you. Sorry for involved you in this kind of stupid ridiculous dumb post. Oh bloody hell! I just realized that you might never read this. Hehe it's okay. I am fine :')
-you're secret admirer that loves you more than the other girl out there that love MarioMaurer for he's handsome haha -
FIlm nya nyeritain tentang seorang anak cewe, jelek, dan dia suka sama kakak kelasnya ya itu si Mario Maurer, alias Kak Shone. Ya inti dan akhir ceritanya sih si Namnya yang tadi nya ga good looking berubah jadi cewe cantikkkkk banget demi Kak Shone. Dan happy ending...
Aku nangis nontonnya. Sumpah.
Bukan cuma karena terharu sih, tapi aku lebih ke sirik. Aku juga pengen kaya Nam, yang punya kecengan dan akhirnya dia bisa jadian dengan kecengannya itu dan luckily, Shone loves Nam just the way she is! JUST THE WAY SHE IS. Whether she's ugly, Shone keep waiting for her :') kurang so sweet apalagi ya...
TAPIIIII. apakah itu beneran ada di kejadian nyata?????!!! Cowo ganteng, baik hati dan di sukai banyak cewe bisa memilih seorang cewe cupu dan jelek dan hitam (tapi untung Nam kurus, dan aku? the opposite one. F*t) buat jadi orang yang dia rela tungguin? HAH kayanya hampir gaada ya. Hmmmm perbandingannya 1:2345678909876543456789876543456789987654323 mungkin ya.
And back to my Mr. yap my crush :''). Even you are not as handsome as incredible as Mario Maurer, but you attract me so strong that i can't push it away.. here deep deeply inside my heart. Maybe it sounds ridiculous or disgusting but that's the truth, Mr. I want to be Nam, and you were Shone. However it goes, at the end, it's a happy ending.
And Mr,one of the reason why i cried so much after watching this film is because idk why i just suddenly remember you.
And it gets deeper when i realize that you might not like me. And i am afraid that my ending won't be the same at least as happy as Nam and Shone. Maybe my Shone (you, Mr.) is liking another one. And at the end of the 'Nam' (mine) there'd be no happy ending. That... the film just end at the scene where Nam show her true feeling to Shone, but Shone already has another one, exactly like what happen at the swimming pool. Errrr maybe that's the ending of my story, just like that :'')
So Mr. This is my second post that related to you. Sorry for involved you in this kind of stupid ridiculous dumb post. Oh bloody hell! I just realized that you might never read this. Hehe it's okay. I am fine :')
-you're secret admirer that loves you more than the other girl out there that love MarioMaurer for he's handsome haha -
Selasa, 10 Mei 2011
Dear Mr.
Glad to see you those who are reading this post now. Let me story some.
I like someone. He's a pretty nice and kind boy, at least i said so. Even some of my friends say no, and prefer to judge you like a fool one.
Dear Mr, I like you :-) I like you for i know you're no longer like her and so does her. Thanks for being that kind to me. Thanks for holding back my smile when i smiled first to you. Thanks for the call and yell when i don't know that you were there. Thanks for the smile and it's tottaly sweet and missable and it's precious. Thanks for the face that success to miss you more and more. Thanks for the gift :') Thanks for cheering me up even you'll never know that you did. Thanks for your old attention that this last those no longer exist. And.. Thanks for your exist so i always hoping to meet you everywhere and caused my heart beats so fast once i near you more over meet you.
First of all, but not very first i think. I am sorry.. if you ever read this. Than you think that i am way too over of responding your act to me. That you maybe think that those attention was just an ordinary thing, and you don't feel like i do. It's okay. I'll never force someone to love me back. I understand. I have so many lacknesses that no one would never give attention to me hehehe.
And Mr.. there's something i want you to know. I <3 you. Your attention was really make me so special. why was? because it's a past. The present is, you dissapear. No act like it was. It's ok. Eventually you don't even like me and it just me that way too over and kegeeran. However Mr. i still like you and nothing's change and move from the place it was. Even you would never holding back. And i heard that you close with someone else that i know well. Well i keep telling deep insede my heart "it's okay.. nyantai aja kali. nyantai aja aku mah" But you know? i cant lie my self. i am sad, Mr.. I am sorry..
Btari :') the one that you'll never realize having of feeling in you, Mr.
Glad to see you those who are reading this post now. Let me story some.
I like someone. He's a pretty nice and kind boy, at least i said so. Even some of my friends say no, and prefer to judge you like a fool one.
Dear Mr, I like you :-) I like you for i know you're no longer like her and so does her. Thanks for being that kind to me. Thanks for holding back my smile when i smiled first to you. Thanks for the call and yell when i don't know that you were there. Thanks for the smile and it's tottaly sweet and missable and it's precious. Thanks for the face that success to miss you more and more. Thanks for the gift :') Thanks for cheering me up even you'll never know that you did. Thanks for your old attention that this last those no longer exist. And.. Thanks for your exist so i always hoping to meet you everywhere and caused my heart beats so fast once i near you more over meet you.
First of all, but not very first i think. I am sorry.. if you ever read this. Than you think that i am way too over of responding your act to me. That you maybe think that those attention was just an ordinary thing, and you don't feel like i do. It's okay. I'll never force someone to love me back. I understand. I have so many lacknesses that no one would never give attention to me hehehe.
And Mr.. there's something i want you to know. I <3 you. Your attention was really make me so special. why was? because it's a past. The present is, you dissapear. No act like it was. It's ok. Eventually you don't even like me and it just me that way too over and kegeeran. However Mr. i still like you and nothing's change and move from the place it was. Even you would never holding back. And i heard that you close with someone else that i know well. Well i keep telling deep insede my heart "it's okay.. nyantai aja kali. nyantai aja aku mah" But you know? i cant lie my self. i am sad, Mr.. I am sorry..
Btari :') the one that you'll never realize having of feeling in you, Mr.
Aih, this last time, i don't know why i become so extremely addicted to Harry Potter. And.... idk why the one that successfully got my biggest attention is draco malfoy. Yep! The boy with white hair, unfriendly and cengos hahaha. But i like like like him! I heart you draco malfoy a.k.a tom felton <3 <3 <3 <3
![]() |
If Hogwarts does exist, i'll pick slytherin!!!!! :))) |
X-1 road to Jorong
Beberapa bulan lalu, dan stupidly baru aku post sekarang... Xsatu ngadain jalan-jalan bareng ke Pantai Jorong. That was so aweeeeeeeeesome! Together with Temi, Shinta, Vita, Husna, Ahmad, Gina, Alvin, Edo, Rani, Emha, Diky, Halim, Wewen, Beben, dan lainnya yang maaf kalo aku lupa :-D
And lastly, the beach is sooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful, amazing, awesome, cool!!!! With the blue sky cover it all, it just so incredible! <3
And lastly, the beach is sooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful, amazing, awesome, cool!!!! With the blue sky cover it all, it just so incredible! <3
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