Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Dear Mr.

Glad to see you those who are reading this post now. Let me story some.
I like someone. He's a pretty nice and kind boy, at least i said so. Even some of my friends say no, and prefer to judge you like a fool one.

Dear Mr, I like you :-) I like you for i know you're no longer like her and so does her. Thanks for being that kind to me. Thanks for holding back my smile when i smiled first to you. Thanks for the call and yell when i don't know that you were there. Thanks for the smile and it's tottaly sweet and missable and it's precious. Thanks for the face that success to miss you more and more.  Thanks for the gift :') Thanks for cheering me up even you'll never know that you did. Thanks for your old attention that this last those no longer exist. And.. Thanks for your exist so i always hoping to meet you everywhere and caused my heart beats so fast once i near you more over meet you.
First of all, but not very first i think. I am sorry.. if you ever read this. Than you think that i am way too over of responding your act to me. That you maybe think that those attention was just an ordinary thing, and you don't feel like i do. It's okay. I'll never force someone to love me back. I  understand. I have so many lacknesses that no one would never give attention to me hehehe.
And Mr.. there's something i want you to know. I <3 you. Your attention was really make me so special. why was? because it's a past. The present is, you dissapear. No act like it was. It's ok. Eventually you don't even like me and it just me that way too over and kegeeran. However Mr. i still like you and nothing's change and move from the place it was. Even you would never holding back. And i heard that you close with someone else that i know well. Well i keep telling deep insede my heart "it's okay.. nyantai aja kali. nyantai aja aku mah" But you know? i cant lie my self. i am sad, Mr.. I am sorry..

Btari :') the one that you'll never realize having of feeling in you, Mr.

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