#Tamara: "beteeeeeet.. SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN !!! MOGA PANJG UMUR, SEHAT SLALU, TMBH PINTER, MUETZZZ, n bisa ******************* (some words are being sensored TAPI AMIN BGT TEM :)))
maaf ngucapin sekarang ya bet, takut ga kebangun jam 12 nanti wkwk HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETET"
#Medin: "Happy Birthday! Wish you all the wumbo best, dear lovelyBta. I wish i was there to hug and give a birthday-slap exactly to your cheek loljk. Hugkissesmwahxoxo!!!!"
#Azra: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU MY GEORGEOUS BEST!! <=-p Wishing you all the best bet!! Semoga semua yang diinginkan tercapai amiiin. Semoga cepet pulang amin ya allah!!!!!!!!!! Saranghaeyo saranghaeyo saranghaeyo miss you so much :* :* :* ({})({}):-(!"
#Bella: "Btari ini bella,happy bessssdayya"
#Shinta: "Btaaaaaa, Selamat ualnggg taahun my chairmate..Wish you all the best :DD"
#081221151**: "Happy birthday tan.. Moga apa yangintan cita2 kan bs tercapai d jd anak yg sholeh baik hati d tdk sombong"
#Debby: "Selamat ulangtahun aja smg panjang umur tambah langsing :p Amin..."
#Fenny: "Happy Birthaday btariku :-* saengil chukahamnida say, wish you all the best. Semoga sering-sering main lagi ke bandung ya! Muah muah dari radius100km (?) popo~"
#Viani: "BTAAAAAAA! happy birthday... saengil chuka ~ have a nice birthday. Semoga kita cepet bertemu lagi ya, amin. SARANGHAE popo :*"
#Guna: "Bta selamat ulang tahun ya. Semoga semua yang terbaik buat kamu terkabulkan."
Thank you so much guys, whereever you are i love you! And some hoping those amazing prays will be heard by Allah.. Amin :-)
TWITTER @btarobot aheeeeeeuuuy!
@medinaalien Rahma Medina Widy
@btarobot happy birthday! 16 on 16th, how lovely. Wish you all the zzuper bezzt (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)
@riaaanny Riany Oktaviani
Happy birthdaaaay @btarobot sukses terussss yah :D
@ElvraEsmeralda: Happy birthday @btarobot wish you all the best ya ;)
@egasdtya ega siwi ditya
Ohh, beta ultah yah, happy birthday @btarobot \(´▽`)/
@trihusna una
Hepi birthday to @btarobot ┐('⌣'┐) (┌'⌣')┌ hepi birhday hepi birthday hepi birthday to you ! Wish you all the best ! Go bless amin !
@trulygraceva Truly Graceva
Happy birthday @btarobot wyatb ya bta :*
@lytasaera Lyta Herawati
@btarobot ulang tahun ya? Selamat ulang tahun :)
@putratuan putra
@btarobot hpy b'day ya Neng ! :)
@Opapay M. Zhafirinur Aufar
Happy birthday ya @btarobot wish you all the best :) (yang kedua kalinya)
@putsophia Putri Sophia
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @BTAROBOT!!!! Semoga semoga semoga...semoga yang kamu inginkan SEMUANYA tercapai, amin!! <):-D
@intaantyas intan Rahmaningtyas
@btarobot slamat ultaahh <3 mkanan satu smaveeenn (y)
@ShabrinaSwrn Shabrina Swarnie
Happy birthday to youuu @btarobot. Wish you all the best. God bless you. Saranghae popo <3
@irfanfath Irfan Fathurrahman
Sing sukses bet di banjar hahaha! Have a blast! RT @azrobot: happy birthday @btarobot!!! wish you all the greatest dear! ({})
@arifaiga Arifa Faiga Imani
@btarobot happy birthday ya intan~ :D wish you all the best :*
@nadiyahsalma salma nadiyah
Intaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan @btarobot happy birthday ya !!!! wish you all the best ya
@aauchan Putri Aulia Emha
Eh @btarobot ulg tahun ya? Happy birthday ya bet ;) makan makan ~ hha :p
@syifafufah Syifa Mashfufah
Selamat @btarobot <:-p
AND OTHERS, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Errr Sorry, here i dont mean to have "a show off" i just wanna give respect to them :* and i am really excited writing and reading those sweet statements, once more thankyou :-)
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